Monday, June 16, 2008

magical sickening mask

"i never see u sad"
i smiled to that statement every time.
should i be proud of myself because i manage to do so,
but in the actual fact,
this smiling face is just a mask i put on?

aa well.. everybody has their magical mask, don't they?
it's so sickening how sadness and disagreebles in life can be fixed by not being yourself. i hate my mask sometimes. don't you?

Friday, June 6, 2008


***written this on Friday, July 07, 2006

my tears,mean not sadness..
my laughter, mean not happiness...
for behind certain tears, cries happiness..
and behind certain laughter, lives sadness..
my softness, is my strength..
my weakness, also lies in my strength...
strong am i, that need i no other being..
yet weak am i, that thy warmth i go seeking...
strong am i, that laugh i can without laughter..
but weak am i, that cry can i without tears..
yet how strong am i?
that need i to cry without tears?
yet how weak am i?
that need i laugh without laughter?
having multiple emotions,not mean i'm complex..
not having you, not mean i'm incomplete..

my certain laughter & definite tear amuses me...paradoxically

[what does not bother, matters to me]
AL mubarakah