Monday, August 10, 2009

Kawan Baru Saya dari Darjah Dua Molek

These couple of months, i made a lot of new friends and each of them had a special impact on me, i came back home with a smiling heart. i can only pray, they will be there for me on those teary days. be it cry of happiness or sadness. because insyaAllah, i want to be there for them as well. none the less, their friendship are highly welcome & appreciated. thank YOU, you know who you are.

But this blog is mostly dedicated to my new friend, a liltle 8 years indian boy, named LALI. He lives a block from mine. it started a week ago, on my way to work, i was walking to the bus stop, LALI was trying to thrust some star fruits using a white pole from his neighbour's tree, suddenly just call out to me,

"kakak, tolong saya, saya tak sampai nak ambil buah belimbing kat atas tu" he spoke clear fluent malay.our conversation was just like bahasa melayu primary two's so called muhibbah short story between ahmad, muthu and chong, seriously. minus chong ler.

and being nana, who loves children, without hesitation, went near him and helped him thrusted his final two savoury starfruits.

"terima kasih kakak, saya dan mak saya tinggal kat rumah tu. saya memang suka sangat belimbing"

LALI, with his twinkling eyes. from that moment i was hooked. this boy is adorably cute and friendly. i took his pictures and promised him i'll give him the photos as soon as possible.

I talked to him for a while before heading to work. and we've became friends ever since. he sometimes wait for me at my garage and accompanied me to bus stop. i got to know more about him and he knows i adore children, photography and books. we were like best friends. perhaps like a big sister to him. i don't mind even a slightest bit. i'm enjoying every moment.

BUT the sweetest thing this lil friend of mine did was when i came back home from work last night, my sister said LALI came by to find me and left me a present.

The present was naively wrapped by LALI, when i opened it, it was his old broken free RIBENA film camera. i was so touched, i almost cried. This is too wonderful to be true.

Perhaps he is happy to have Kak Nana as his new friend. the most important thing of all, LALI, the liltle 8 years old indian boy have tought me the value of friendship is beyond compare to age, sex, race, religion differences, it's only about a mutual company u regard as a friend.

I'm a happier person today because of this new bond of friendship. Thank You, Ilahi. Alhamdulillah.


Anonymous said...

im happy to know this story.u r lucky to be part of it..hopefully ur friendship never ends

kerR {abdullah} said...

nana..i almost cried.touching giler.sweet nyerrr... :)
ni baru la semangat satu malaysia! :p
bila wa boleh berkenalan dengan ur LALI?

Anonymous said...

comel gila! nanti bawa kamera tu nak tengok!