Sunday, May 2, 2010

100 dates later

i began to accept numbers.

wait. wait.

please do not go all AL GEBRA on Al Mubarakah, just yet.

i'm taking baby steps. yes baby steps.

but heck! i even began to love SUDOKU

i learnt to COUNT each day i'm with you.

you have no idea how chiwi i can get everytime i see you.

and even now, on our 100th dates together,

what i can't measure is how much i love you.

it's uncountable. perhaps, it's infinity in loving you.

1 comment:

Zahra Al-Rasyah said...

suwittt sangat naa. maneh macam gula.i dah terkira dah berapa kali date dgn mr.hubby.lost count!hahaha ;p