Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 random things about me

1. i hate number and calculating. i would rather read 100 pages history book than to finish 10 math questions.

2. one of my earliest memories is when i was five years old,i went to the cinema for the first time watching "main-main hantu"with my sisters and bro in law.

3. i find it difficult to be close with anyone that i can’t be sarcastic with.

4. i just got a meaningful sms from one of my friend, haslina mohammad " Cantiknya matahari terbenam, Allahuakbar" how everyday ordinariness can bring such joy to us if only we learn to appreciate kan? how great Allah is..Alhamdulillah..and thank you ina. lebiu!

5. i can be romantic at times as a lover, but i'm much more manja & mushy-mushy with my girl friends. ;P macam kucing..miaoowww...

6. i was never jealous of my youngest sister, cici, i love her to bits from the day she was born. ye cici eventhough sometimes i just feel like strangling you so much!

7. i love number seven because its pronounced as NANA in japanese if i'm not mistaken. and seven is always stated in Al Quran. 7 heavens, 7 skies, Allah kan suka nombor ganjil. ;)

8. i'm obsessed with my digestion system. i feel my day is incomplete if i don't finish my big business in the loo. sistem penyahtinjaan..huhu berry berry cherry berry..

9. i'm still trying not to fart whenever i've taken my wudhuk for solat. susah btol nak control takot terbatal wudhuk & solat.

10. i love children and old citizens. i pray that one i'll have a home for the needy ones. insyaAllah.that's why i melt straight away with my nieces and nephews and becomes very fond of other people's parents. ;P

11. i don't favour animals and the only thing i can have as a pet, is fish, fighting fish would be my favourite. and that's that.

12. 100% of my previous relationships, including my current boyfriend said that i'm not good at "kiss and make up" part. tak pandai pujuk langsung pas bergaduh. haha. too bad. ;P

13. i can be very hardworking if i know i have plenty of time to laze later.owh yeah laziness motivates me.

14. i'm a bibliomaniac and film freak..i love reading and memorize so called philosophic and meaningful sentences and dialogues from books and films. it nurtures my soul ;)

15. i'm very bad at with road directions. please, i warn you, don't ever ask me for direction, even to my own place. yes i'm that bad.

16. two things i wish i could do for all of my life, backpack travelling and studying.

17. i laugh at myself all the time, especially when i’m down. my problems amuse me.

18. money spent on knowledge is never too much or wasted. knowledge once learnt, can never be taken away from you. i learnt this from my late mother.

19. eating, reading, watching films, shopping (even for things i don't need) and taking photographs are my escapism.

20. i'm usually labeled as a blur person but i'm actually observing other things at the same time. don't be surprised if i can say and pin point something that most of other people don't realize or notice it a person/character/situation/etc.

21. i had asthma as a kid, cured but i have a very bad sinus and eczema now.

22. i prefer to exercise, long walk or hit the gym ( sedang membiasakan diri) rather than play sport esspecially futsal/tennis/netball. sorry mumbo jumbo team! i will always be your water/towel girl instead one of your player.ehehehe.

23. my bro in law just renewed my driving license for FIVE years, and yet, i'm still scared of driving. eheh.but i would love to own a 4wd someday!

24. when my loved ones ask me “what’s wrong?” my mind immediately blanks out. my inability to share my problems made me turn to sleep and dream about them. no wonder if people say i talk even curse in my sleep.

25. i'm against man when they dye or straighten their hair. and i hate man wearing PINK.. man who are too conscious over their own looks is a big turn off. man with tanned rather fair skin and have goaty score more points in my list. eceh.

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